I’ve been working in a very involved projects lately, that it is why my blog have been suffering the lacks of posts. The idea is to have a PID controller in box, with different type of sensors and outputs to mainly control temperature, such as for sous vide in a rice cooker or croc pot, a smoker, a chocolate melting tank, anything that involves a precise temperature and electrical appliances.
The code and more tech details are at https://github.com/jarossi/pidtoolboxduino
Code is still messy but works, and it is bug free enough for me to post the project.
It features the following:
- LCD with fancy menu
- Thumb joystick
- 2 connectors for OneWire sensors
- 2 connectors for type K thermocouples
- 1 custom control pot (can be used to set an output to a value)
- 2 switches to control the pid output and the custom control
- Auto Tuning
- 1 AC dimmer output
- 1 SSR zero crossing detection output
- 1 Relay output.
- One custom connector for things I may add in the future, servo or pwm output, analog in, etc.
Results have been great, cooked chicken, and skirt steak and lots of eggs with great results. One piece of sirloin did not come that well, but I think I cooked it too hot