Smoked peach, courgette, bacon and beetroot jelly salad


For the first post related to cooking, here is a salad, good for the summer (or what it is left of it). The condensed (a very bad way I came up with to write recipes ) follows.

  • Cold smoke peach wedges for 1 hour or so. If smoke brings bitterness use salt and sugar to counter it.
  • Make beetroot and thyme jelly. Blend a can of beetroot, and sift it though a Muslim(Cheese) cloth. Heat the mixture (almost to boil) and use some thyme sprouts to flavour, remove thyme once flavour it is good and not too overwhelming. Dissolve half a teaspoon of agar agar per 250ml of liquid (or jelling agent you prefer). Cut into cubes once set in the fridge.
  • Crisp some bacon and chop it up in small pieces.
  • Spiralize some courgettes, serve with a light vinaigrette.
  • Add some feta chunks


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