The Searzall is here

DSCF3647_lznMy handheld broiler is here, we will see how it goes, there are opposing opinions in the internet regarding its effectiveness, we will see in which side Juan(no pun intended) ends.

It definitely looks like a funky microphone, I went trough the setup and seasoning process, it is quite easy to setup, we will see how long the screens last.

Things I plan to test it with it:

Continue reading The Searzall is here

The first post…

Welcome to my blog, as a short description I can say this blog is to log my electronic projects, cooking recipes and any other life hacking I do.

Mostly I am interested in documenting things so they do not get lost on the ether and randomness of my life

So, what best exercise than to log in this post all the sites tunings and mods I will be using in this site.  Updates in the read more section will be added as they required

Continue reading The first post…